Dental anxiety

If you experience any sort of fear when it comes to going to the Dentist know that you are not alone. Research shows that nearly 70% of all people have some kind of nervousness of going to the dentist. We understand that many of our patients are afraid of the dentist so we offer many things to help with your dental anxiety. 

For the slightly nervous patient we offer a movie to watch on Netflix right from the dental chair while your teeth are being worked on.  With wireless headphones to drown out the noise from the work. Also you will experience our more comfortable injection techniques for less discomfort while numbing.

For moderately nervous patients we offer the above as well as nitrous oxide to help you be more relaxed.  Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, can help calm your nerves and make it more comfortable to have treatment done.  Nitrous only works while you are breathing it in so you are back to normal once the procedure is over and you can drive yourself home or even return to work after your appointment.

For our patients with more extreme dental fear who want to be completely relaxed we offer oral sedation. This involves taking medication prior to your appointment and you will be completely relaxed during your procedure. Although you will still be awake during the procedure, many of our patients that opt for sedation have little memory of the appointment afterwards.  If you choose to be sedated during your dental appointment, it will be mandatory to have someone to drive you to and from your appointment.

We hope that after experiencing our office you will be able to work up to point that you no longer have any dental anxiety, but for the mean time we offer these and many more comforts to help you relax. Read the article in the Monroe Monitor that Dr Gill helped contribute to related to dental fears.  Don't Fear the Dentist